Exclusive Service
We provide all kinds of construction and building services and we are always glad to resolve nonstandard and unique tasks. We always take challenges and bring them to a conclusion.
Entreprenørfirmaet I. Anker Andersen blev i 1964 stiftet af civilingeniør Ib Anker Andersen.
I. Anker Andersen A/S udfører store som små anlægsopgaver - både som nyanlæg, reparation, vedligeholdelse og renovering.
Siden 1984 har I. Anker Andersen A/S arbejdet med anlæg af naturgasledninger og vi er landets største indenfor dette område.
Their reputation is on the highest level and their portfolio speaks for itself. Roadastan is a team of like-minded people…
I selected Roadastan among other companies because of good recommendations I’ve heard. Their reputation is on the highest level and…